Monday, July 17, 2006

Canadian Armed Forces in the New Millenium (Intro)

Canada is finally paying attention to its military again. With our advance into southern Afghanistan and the dangers inherent is such a mission, the debate about the role and future composition of the Armed Forces is in the forefront.

It is a subject that is near and dear to my heart.

There seems to be a lot of misconceptions and ignorance over the role of Canada and the state of the Armed Forces. Canada has a proud history of peacekeeping and humanitarian efforts that continues to this day, often despite the leadership back home. Unfortunately, the general population of the country is woefully ignorant of our men and women in uniform.

With over 16 years as a member of the Canadian Armed Forces, my opinions are often diametrically opposed to that of the general public. I have a unique perspective, having served with all three branches of our military. Since I got out, I often seek out the opinions of the people around me on the subject and eagerly drink up any new information that comes my way.

I have written several articles in the past about the role of the Canadian Armed Forces and some of the issues faced by the men and women in uniform. Usually these have been in reaction to some current event or government policy that affects them.

Over the next little while I will be doing a series of articles that pertain to the military, its roles in the world and the changes proposed by our new government. Hopefully it will open a few eyes and minds. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to email me.



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