Sunday, July 02, 2006

Happy Canada Day? Not for Everyone

As Canadians, we should be ashamed of ourselves on this Canada Day weekend. No, I am not talking about Afghanistan, the Conservatives or softwood lumber but our self-centered attitudes as we force others to work for our own convenience.

As many sit back to enjoy the sunshine and a long weekend, there are many more for whom this not a holiday at all. And, it’s going to get worse.

Whining about losing profits, some large retail stores have stated they will defy the Retail Business Holidays Act and open anyway. Number one among them is A&P Canada, which owns Dominion, and Shoppers Drug Mart.

Shoppers plans on taking advantage of the portion of the law which allows pharmacies smaller than 7,500 square feet to be open. As we have seen in recent years, these small pharmacies have been rapidly replaced by large stores in which medical supplies are the smallest portion of their business and much bigger than 7,500 square feet.

When it comes to grocery stores, the law states it is illegal for stores bigger than 2,400 square feet to be open. In this age of big box stores, there are very few that meet this criteria.

The Canadian Council of Grocery Distributors complains that this law gives an unfair advantage to the smaller retailers. It would seem that the small local grocery stores being open on a holiday are a threat to the mega profits of A&P. This complaint also comes at a time when big chain stores are putting small family owned stores out of business.

According to spokeswoman, Kim McKinnon, “as an industry we've been working to have the act changed, it’s always been based on consumer need."

It is not consumer need but the convenience of the selfish consumer.

We need to remember that, as we buy our loaves of bread we forgot to pick up the day before, someone else is forced to work in order to supply this item. As we stroll up and down the aisles picking up those last minute items, numerous people have to leave their friends and families to work, all in the name of convenience and corporate profit. Even if a store is closed on the holiday, the retail worker still does not get a long weekend because it will be open on the Monday and they will be expected to be there.

Even more insulting is the fact these large corporations are putting profit ahead of allowing their employees to celebrate the birth of our country. At a time when our troops are fighting and dieing for our freedom, A&P and Shoppers are more worried about money than the nation that has contributed to their prosperity. While the people who run these companies are sipping their drinks in the sun, they treat their employees like serfs.

Instead of loosening the laws, they need to be stiffened. No large store should be allowed to be open on a holiday, especially Canada Day, no exceptions. Anyone who violates this should be fined heavily to offset any profit they might make. Maybe we should also force the owners to perform community service on weekends and holidays. And we, as consumers, should boycott any store that defies the holiday and opens.

Or, maybe the laws should be changed to allow stores to open but only if managers and company officers work while regular employees have the day off. Then we would see how important their profits actually are.

Ultimately, we need to see those in front of us and realize the consequences of our actions.


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