Thursday, May 05, 2005

Honour? Not in Canada

You have got to be kidding with what has been going on in parliament especially with the Conservatives.

Stephen Harper and his cronies have shown no sign of any type of leadership but a definite desire to rule this country at any cost. How do they believe that paralysing the house is to the benefit of Canada? The only thing that is obvious in this whole debacle is a Conservative desire for power at any cost.

Ironically, this situation reminds me of another country who suffered the same problem.

Germany in 1933 had a divided legislature with a young upstart party known as the National Socialists who had gained a number of seats in the previous election. They used intimidation and strong arm tactics to paralyse that house as well until they were given the concessions they were after, namely making Hitler chancellor. Once in that position he solidified his party standing and we all know where that led.

Now, in Canada, we have the Conservatives behaving the same way.

It would have been so easy for Mr. Harper to have stood up and promised not to bring a non-confidence motion before the house during the period of the Victory in Europe celebrations. This would not only have shown leadership but respect for the veterans who willingly sacrificed their lives for the very freedoms Mr. Harper enjoys. But nooooo, instead he uses it to control Prime Minister Martins movements and shows utter disdain for the veterans. While the Dutch are turning out in droves to applaud our people this pathetic excuse for a Canadian is strutting around Parliament play acting at being Canadian.

I have no great love for the Liberals and the fact that Mr. Cretien seems to be getting away virtually unscathed by the mess he created in Quebec, at least Prime Minister Martin doesn't make me want to be sick. As a one-time member of the Reform Party it saddens me that a concept for fixing the country has been perverted to this garbage. Where is Preston Manning when you need him?

As long as Mr. Harper is in charge of the Conservatives they will never receive my vote. I will not condone powermongering nor will I have a part in this un-Canadian behaviour. We are a caring, tolerant society and this redneck behaviour has got to end and it has to end now before this country is destroyed.

Of Mice and Belinda Stronach

Today Belinda Stronach became a Liberal. The one time candidate for head of the Conservative Party has crossed the floor.

I have heard many journalists panning her for her decision to become a Liberal and many disparaging remarks but I am on her side.

She has been accused of opportunism and desertion. I cannot accept that. Belinda has always been a strong person who held to her convictions no matter what. She made a public stand against the Conservative view on equal marriage and it has always been known that she was a "progressive" Conservative. Unfortunately, the rest of the party isn't.

This is not the same Conservative Party that she ran for a year ago. At that time there was much hope for it to emerge from the amalgamation of the Progressive Conservatives and the Alliance to form a bright new alternative to the ruling Liberals. This did not happen.

Instead the Conservatives have degenerated into a bunch of hooligans. They have shown no grand vision for this country and their policy seems to be nothing more than to disagree with whatever the Liberals say. They have become mean spirited and completely disdainful of the Canadian people. The "bring down the government at all cost" attitude is yet another example of this. Even though poll after poll has shown that Canadians do not want an election at this time Stephen Harper continues to forge ahead.

With this kind of leadership and the obvious lack of consideration for what is actually best for all of Canada is it any wonder she switched sides?

I think her decision to become a Liberal shows that she is one of the few politicians going right now that truly cares for the country and not just their own little world. She is a woman of conviction and principle who just could not put up with the redneck behaviour of her former party.

Even in her address to the media she took the high road and toned down all the things that she could have said about Harper and his cronies. Too bad he couldn't do the same but then again what can you expect from that bunch.

Which leaves only one thing to be said, I, for one, would definitely vote for Belinda as Prime Minister.